Plan miasta Rapske

Rapske - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Istraga zbog zloporabe na štetu bRapske/b plovidbe

RIJEKA Istražna sutkinja riječkoga Županijskog suda Ksenija Zorc odredila je provedbu istrage protiv šestorice djelatnika tvrtki P-Petroleum i bRapske/b plovidbe zbog sumnje da su počinili kažnjiva djela zloporabe položaja i ovlasti i b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

Of Collapsed Bridges and Bad Theology

Minneapolis Bridge Collapse. Yesterday, August 1st at 6:05 pm, an extended section of the 35W Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota suddenly collapsed, sending dozens of vehicles, together with their drivers and passengers, plunging into the ...
źródło: BlogSearch

9/11 and Being Remembered

Yesterday was the sixth anniversary of 9/11. Many media pieces featured some aspect or other of the tragedy. Some were retrospectives of the event itself. Others covered planned commemorations. I watched one that discussed the ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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